Quiz #15: Lubricant Compatibility and Mixing

Quiz #15: Test your knowledge on lubricant compatibility and mixing. Learn about risks, effects, and best practices for mixing different lubricants.
Lubricant Compatibility Quiz
1. What is the primary risk when mixing two different types of lubricants?
A) Improved lubrication
B) Chemical reaction leading to sludge formation
C) Increased viscosity stability
D) Reduced oil consumption

2. Which of the following combinations is generally considered safe to mix?
A) Mineral oil and synthetic oil
B) PAO synthetic oil and ester-based synthetic oil
C) Grease with lithium thickener and calcium thickener
D) H1-rated food-grade lubricant and standard industrial grease

3. What is a common effect of mixing greases with incompatible thickeners?
A) Improved water resistance
B) Grease bleeding or separation
C) Enhanced thermal stability
D) Increased dropping point

4. Why is it important to check lubricant compatibility before mixing?
A) To improve lubricant aesthetics
B) To ensure proper lubricant performance and avoid equipment damage
C) To decrease lubricant cost
D) To prevent lubricant thickening

5. Which method is most effective for determining lubricant compatibility?
A) Checking the lubricant color
B) Viscosity comparison
C) Compatibility test using a controlled environment
D) Smell test

6. Which type of lubricant is known for poor compatibility with other lubricant types?
A) Mineral oil
B) Polyalphaolefin (PAO)
C) Polyglycol-based lubricants
D) Ester-based lubricants

7. What is the first step in managing incompatible lubricants in a system?
A) Drain and clean the system thoroughly
B) Increase oil temperature
C) Mix them slowly
D) Reduce the oil change interval

8. Which component of a lubricant is most likely to cause compatibility issues when mixed?
A) Base oil
B) Additives
C) Colorants
D) Fragrance

9. What is the consequence of mixing a high-ash engine oil with a low-ash engine oil?
A) Neutral effect
B) Risk of filter plugging and combustion chamber deposits
C) Increased thermal stability
D) Enhanced wear protection

10. How can you verify the compatibility of lubricants without performing a test?
A) Consult the Technical Data Sheets (TDS) and manufacturer guidelines
B) Rely on brand reputation
C) Random mixing and observing results
D) Smell the lubricants for any foul odor

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